Sunday, April 11, 2010

The BIG 30!

As many of you may or may not know, I just celebrated my 30th birthday! To celebrate my mom treated my sister, Abby, and me to a day at the spa! We got pedicures, facials, and massages. The pedicure was nice, nothing better than someone rubbing your feet! Next came the massage. The woman was a toothpick but as strong as an ox. I don't know how anyone can sleep through that, it HURT! I am suffering the consequences today, bruised bones! The lady that did my facial says I have rosacia! She says I can't eat hot food, or cold food, caffeine, spicy foods, soda, or put ice in my drinks! She says I can't be in hot weather or cold weather, and that I cannot be in the sun again! I think I will just put up with a red face!!! After our spa treatment we went to dinner to a very nice Italian restaurant, I had some cheese filled tortellini, and of course a molten flourless chocolate cake, with mint chocolate chip gelato!

All in all we had a great day!